Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lot 4 Yuria Okamura

Title: Patterns in nature #2

Artist : Yuria Okamura
Size : 35x35cm 

          Acrylic on paper, 2011

Price: $500

Start from : $160

Lot 3 Yuria Okamura

Title: Five elements in nature

Artist : Yuria Okamura
Size : 70 x 80 com

         Acrylic on paper  2011
Price : $900
Start from : $300

Lot 2 Shoso Shinbo

Title: Introductory Course(3 Sessions)

Artist: Shoso Shinbo
Description: This is a special option for beginners
who would like to try the basic of Ikebana first
 before enrolling a certificate course.
You can start Introductory course
 from the first lesson of each month.

Price: $60

Start from :$20


Lot 1 Midori Furze

Title: Deja Vu 20
Artist: Midori Furze
Size: 35x45 cm
         Acrylic on canvas
         Price : $350
Start from: $115

Part of the old Japanese poem by Fujiwara no Ietaka
The flower(Tachibana) has the same fragrance as my old memory.
 Even though the tree has blossomed for the first time,
 the smell is the same as my old tree.